
8 Power Foods to Boost Your Stamina Instantly

Picture this: You are on a beautiful, long drive. The roads beckoning, the weather gods smiling. And then, your car runs out of gas. How frustrating! Well, that's pretty much what happens with our bodies on a daily basis. There's simply no stamina to go through the rigours of the day, day after day. And the first casualty is the gym, for who has the energy for a workout? But, is there an easy remedy to tackle this problem? Absolutely. With the intake of the right foods you can increase your ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort. Nutrients like complex carbohydrates, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, fibre and vitamins are the energy boosters that help your body live up to the relentless challenges of life. Here's a list of 8 power foods to keep you high on stamina, so that you don't compromise on fitness. 1. Brown Rice Although carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the body, not all carbs are good. For better stamina, you need to increase y

Diabetes Diet: 7 Foods That Can Help Control Your Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

Diabetes Diet: 7 Foods That Can Help Control Your Blood Sugar Levels Naturally Tweeter facebook Google Plus Reddit Highlights The dietary fibers in whole grains can help control blood sugar Nuts lower cholesterol, inflammation and insulin resistance Consuming fenugreek seeds soaked in water every morning also helps Your diet plays an important role in managing diabetes. In fact, your diet and lifestyle are important aspects of diabetes management and treatment.  One reason is that the food you eat on a day to day basis has a direct impact on your blood sugar levels. For instance, high carb foods raise your blood sugar levels. The digestive system breaks down the digestible ones into sugar, which enters the blood. But then again, not all carbohydrates are bad. Complex carbohydrates like whole grains take longer to digest while simple carbs like white flour and refined sugar may cause sudden spikes in your blood sugar levels. Diabetics tend to have high blood sugar lev

Dieting Tips: 5 Thumb Rules for You to Gain Maximum Out of Your Current Diet Plan

Dieting Tips: 5 Thumb Rules for You to Gain Maximum Out of Your Current Diet Plan facebook Google Plus Reddit Weight loss is something that finds a dedicated spot in the personal goals set to be achieved by most of us. It usually ends up sitting quite high on the list. Achieving weight loss is surely a struggle; it is the combined result of your diet, physical exercise and also how active or sluggish your metabolism is. The ideal approach towards achieving  weight loss  is always through a balanced mix of the right diet and regular physical activity. Unfortunately, the world where we live in is the one that has paucity of time and therefore the trend of crash diets sneak into our lives. This piece is dedicated to enumerating some key points that must be kept in mind if you are undergoing a diet plan. However, a word of caution is the fact that no amount of dieting - even the ones that are carried out diligently and consistently - will be able to give you long-term res

High-Protein Diet: How Much is Enough?

High-Protein Diet: How Much is Enough? Tweeter facebook Google Plus Reddit ? The ongoing trend of fad diets is so pervasive and deeply meshed in our lifestyle that it becomes extremely difficult to figure out the veracity of these diet plans. With more and more people obsessing over dropping kilos quickly, these diet routines are only but thriving like never before. In this piece I shall talk about diets that focus on high protein intake and whether or not increasing protein in your meal can be one of the ways to drop kilos fast. The Atkins and the Ketogenic diet, both work on similar premise - high protein intake. But, in totality it's not that simple. The former was developed by an American cardiologist, Dr. Robert Atkins in what is believed an attempt to solve his own problem of obesity. The Atkins diet works chiefly by putting a cap on your carb intake and substituting its loss with an increased intake of protein and fat. Carbs are primarily the source of ener

Vitamins for Good Eyesight: Foods That Can Help Nourish Your Eyes

Vitamins for Good Eyesight: Foods That Can Help Nourish Your Eyes Dr. Rupali Datta    |   Updated: September 13, 2017 13:36 IST Tweeter facebook Google Plus Reddit Natural foods pack a lot of nutrients that nourish our body and help maintain optimal health of all our tissues. Eyes are also affected by the goodness of the foods that we eat. Vision boosting and eye protecting vitamins are a well-researched topic. There are many vitamins that when made a part of the regular diet can help in keeping your eyes healthy and functioning well. And the best part is that these vitamins are freely available in the foods that we eat daily. Here are seven best vitamins to keep your eyes healthy: 1. The most important vitamin for the eyes is  Vitamin A . This is actually a group of antioxidants that positively affect our vision, bones and our immune system. Non vegetarian sources of the vitamin are beef, liver, milk and cheese.The orange, yellow and green fruits and vegetables give u

Living With Christopher

Living With Christopher by  Haniya khan   5 MONTHS AGO   3 MINUTE READ Stamp Haddon formed a radiant book that transformed into a hit and won both the Whitbread Book of the Year and Whitbread Novel respects. It was said that Stamp Haddon himself yelled, "Who on Earth would need to examine around a fifteen-year-old child with a cripple?," while he was making this book. Sadly that it was definitely the fifteen-year-old child with an impede that made his book develop, win allows and transform into a blockbuster. The book is called, "The Curious Event Of The Puppy At night time and the child is Christopher." Christopher is a rationally uneven scholarly. He can name each one of the countries on the planet and their capitals. He has a photographic memory and a virtuoso in math and science. Despite of his abnormal learning, he can't imagine, appreciate additionally fascinating techniques for expression and relate to jokes. He furthermore loathes places wi